Wednesday, July 23, 2008

輸了 (pool) + perseverance

最近有 hostel pool tournament, 每一年的撞球比賽
我的撞球skills可以說是....... 有時靈有時又悽慘的可以
有時可以連續贏幾場 (跟超厲害的男生),但又可以連球都打不到.... o.O
(有一次白球還連續被我打進洞裡三次....... *cough*)

preliminary rounds就被X掉嚕~~
(我打贏的人進了semi-quarter finals. 自我安慰一下...... >.<)

But I'm not too worried. I entered in the beginning to (altruistically) add to the winner's prize pool anyway Orz........
Pool to me is.... knocking a bunch of balls around on a table with a stick. Sometimes it goes in, sometimes it doesn't. And in my case, they usually quite like staying on the table XD

快點好吧..... >.< 都病了一個week了


Stumbled upon an article today on Get Frank (NZ men's online lifestyle mag) (hey who says girls can only read girl mags!).

It's like another smack on my head, literally. As if I didn't have enough of those already.....
I can't think too much. I know I do possess a really negative thought and reasoning process, which usually aren't that beneficial. Solution: study so much you don't have time to think about other stuff.

The title is "Perseverance: The characteristic that separates the successful from the mediocre" (written by George Ambler). How totally inspirational is that (and depressing too if you happen to be the type that doesn't really persevere, thus, you = mediocre).

Here's snippets:

More and more I am realising the importance of perseverance to effective leadership. There are so many different obstacles and barriers to attaining our vision and purpose in the world today that without perseverance we will fail to make a meaningful difference in the world. Perseverance is what’s requires to face failure and then to get up again to fight another day."

"Psychologists say it’s not simply the fact that these people learned from mistakes that led to eventual success. It’s also the resilience they displayed in getting past those potholes. Failure can be "informative rather than demoralizing. It tells you what you may need to do to make it," says Albert Bandura, the Stanford psychology professor who in the 1970s pioneered the social cognitive theory of self-efficacy—an inner belief in one’s ability to succeed."

"As you’re faced with the weeks and months ahead make a decision to persevere, to never give up on your vision, to never settle for second best, make the decision to press forwards, to be determined to overcome and archive your purposes. Make a decision to believe in yourself, to believe that you can do what you set your mind to, that despite setback, you will get back up and continue. It’s not the fact that you fail, which makes you a failure. It’s when you stay down, it’s when you decide not to get up to try again…… that’s what makes you a failure!"


Perseverance.... I really should have that word permanently tattooed into my brain.

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