Wrote this a few days ago, but internet died and didn't post it XD
考完了三科 剩下十一號的145.223 Climate Change & Natural Hazards
(不知道為什麼這科這麼晚 有些人那時候都考完快兩個禮拜了.... o.O)
But I'm not complaining...... because it gives me more time to prepare for earlier (and much harder) papers.
This semester is great :)
最難的兩科先考完 (had about 2 weeks to prepare for those too!), Forensic Psychology and Brain & Behaviour.
後來考Bicultural Perspectives.... In all honesty, I contemplated clicking the "withdraw" button in online enrolment, because I kinda over-prepared for my first paper (Forensics), and didn't start studying for Bicultural until 3 days before the final exam >.<
It's possible to "pass"....... but to get an A or A+ in the final exam with only 3 days of studying/preparation....? Owell.... it's done, and I'm fully leaving it in God's hands now :)
Still gotta study hard for my 4th exam though.
It's hard, because EVERYONE (well... 95% of the people anyway.....) has finished their exams and are already in holiday/festive moods. Most people don't leave for home straight after their exams, and it's quite hard locking yourself in your room hitting the books (feel like doing it literally sometimes....... hah........) and everyone else is out enjoying the sun, relaxing, having fun T____T
But I have survived this year.
And learnt so much new lessons and experiences. Grew so much as a person, though I know I still have a fair bit to get through still.
But it's the process and the journey with Jesus that makes it so much more worth living for.... There's so much uncertainty in life.
I don't know what I'll be doing next year, whether I'll like it there at my new place, etc etc.
It's all to do with attitude, determination, perseverance, and trust.
Often we can't see the path ahead.
Shall we just stand at the same place and wait for the future that never comes?
Or we can take courage, and travel on ahead, trusting that God will be there to guide us and direct our steps.
Sure, some people go straight ahead on the path in a straight line, getting to their goals/dreams seemingly without encountering obstacles and hardships. Others walk at a much slower pace (sometimes resort to crawling..........snail-speeds XD), and take wrong turns, and have to end up walking back to the starting point again.
But whichever category you may fit into.... this is your life, not anyone else's.
Every little "mistake" and wrong turn you make, is what makes you "you".
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Never ever give up!
Bitten by flea at 11:34 AM 0 scratches
Tags: Study-related
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
好懷念100 level的papers XD
(但那時候真的覺得讀不完 -__-)
要考的只有5 chapters,180個選擇題
miss that so much >.<
200 & 300 level papers 要讀的真的很多..... (現在不應該在上網 :P )
我說14個chapters (整本也只有15 chapters -__-"), 有multi-choice & 4 essays
原來她以為是我全部要讀的 o.O
反正Psychology就是讀讀讀囉 (sigh.......)
the WHOLE textbook 加上厚厚一碟的readings/journal articles >.<
雖然課少........... 是因為全都花在看textbook上 Orz............
Back to study.............. XD
(gia yo!! positive attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Bitten by flea at 9:24 PM 0 scratches
Tags: Study-related
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pre-exams >.<
(上個semester也是拉..... -__-")
而就是去讀他就對了 !!
一點再繼續K, K到六點做公車回家
好想睡覺 ><
等下再K Orz.............
假期 等著我吧 XD
今天去拿回了令一個 223 assignment
(why? hah........................ yeah...............)
老師你好歹也多給1%嘛 =.=
Owell... I'm happy ^o^
Don't think, just do
Bitten by flea at 7:45 PM 0 scratches
Tags: Study-related
Friday, October 17, 2008
When love hurts (and you know you're just stupid anyway)
I'll get over it
Cos there comes a point when you realise
that you're just stupid
A silly silly girl
(and nothing has happened anyway)
And I'm stupid wishing it did
(but the chances of that is like winning the lotto... keep thinking you will, when the chances are it's never going to happen)
No it's not love
It's infatuation
Knowledge is sexy
Status, power, and authority is sexy
But stuff sexy
Get your head around, girl
And focus on your bloody exams
Bitten by flea at 10:44 PM 0 scratches
Tags: Incoherence
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
happyhappy~ XD
今天拿回來了145.223 的 assignment.
看的時候 都要抱著"必死"的心態
這要不管成績怎樣 心情都會變好 (除非真的是很慘的成績...... ^^")
(還用對了我的英文名字... 平常去找他的時候他都不知道我是他學生 ... -____-" )
他是英國來的 口音很好聽呢~
(差一點就變 A 了 ..... o.O 85% = cut-off point for A+...)
前一會Brain & Behaviour的考試
在tutorial拿回來的時候 也是抱著"必死"心態
老師拿回給我的時候 特別跟了我說 "top mark, well done"
害我愣了很久 不知道他在說什麼
是考的真的很慘嗎? >.<
Number 1 ^_______^
之後高興了很久 XD totally unexpected....
"you've restored my confidence, test not too hard"
哈哈 是很難 >< 是我誤打誤撞的...... XD
繼續加油囉!!!!!! :D
Bitten by flea at 6:57 PM 0 scratches
Tags: Study-related
Sunday, July 27, 2008
洞........... 只想消失
Perseverence....... 不代表只是形容功課,工作上的一切
環境,人... 很痛苦
世界上.... 感覺.... 原來還是一個人阿......
父母把你生下來 你是一個人
人生過的一切 也還是一個人
以後老了 要離開世界了
昨天跟朋友說: "I just want to be normal"
問了我一生中最想做什麼事 什麼事讓我開心快樂
我............ 傻了 回答不出來
我想了想.... high school的這五年
努力的找出... reasons for why I shouldn't just disappear....
浪費調了我的童年 我的光陰
我了解 她為什麼會有這個最後的選擇
發生什麼 我也不想在乎了
Bitten by flea at 12:48 PM 0 scratches
Tags: Incoherence
Friday, July 25, 2008
Another great reason to go to the gym....
Off topic:
Gym裡有好可愛的personal trainer喔..... XD
今天有幫我開門呢~ gentlemen~~~ *heart*
可愛可愛 ^o^
阿阿...... 為什麼又讀到了critical/discursive psychology阿... >.<
還以為上學期讀完了201就不會再碰到了 -.-"
ontology... nature of reality.... epistemology....... //嘆氣..............
Just another example that life works out about 80% not what you expected.
Bitten by flea at 9:53 PM 0 scratches
Tags: Daily rambles, Study-related
Thursday, July 24, 2008
一天睡7-8個小時好像還不太夠耶........ (cough..)
今天geo的tutorial是看一個叫"Tibet, the ice mother"的錄影帶.
發現.... 我原來還真的蠻喜歡地理的阿 (!!)
宇宙萬物和所有看的到的mountains/rivers/volcanoes/lakes/ocean coasts/caves等等.... 都是有他們獨特的歷史和形成的呢. 感覺自己很秒小...........
(sidenote: 山P最近有寫日記,說到他最近有看一部電影叫"The Earth". 不知道是不是這一部.... 好像還是"in production"耶... @@. 好想看呀~~~)
(the cause of the change from Tertiary global climate warming to Quaternary global climate cooling/ice age).
跟山的uplift有點關係吧 (uplift中文是.....? >.<)
但都還是蠻controversial & hotly debated的呢.....
Forensic psychology今天開始讀關於小孩和青少年的犯罪法律和心理學. 現在讀到了未成年少女/prostitution的一些事情.... 越讀越發現,心理學真是可以apply to everything呢... (ok, maybe not to the "psychology of nuclear physics etc".... but you never know :P)
Anyway.... 最近有幾部電影想看阿~
Pathology (medical students殺人妙法.....)
Mutant Chronicles (我喜歡的style電影~)
這邊有reviews... 圖片看起來好好看阿 XD
Hancock (Will Smith上一部 "I am Legend",我不太喜歡ㄋㄟ.... 通常我是很愛zombie-related電影的, but that one just didn't appeal to me at all)
Stop-Loss (It's got Ryan Phillippe and Channing Tatum... plus it's a war movie.... what MORE can I say *wink*)
聽說了"Kung Fu Panda"很好笑很好看
但.... 不太喜歡animal/animation/comedy電影耶.... -__- 需要勉強自己去笑.. @@
Ok loh, back to studies~
Bitten by flea at 6:41 PM 0 scratches
Tags: Celebs, Daily rambles, Reviews, Study-related
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
輸了 (pool) + perseverance
最近有 hostel pool tournament, 每一年的撞球比賽
我的撞球skills可以說是....... 有時靈有時又悽慘的可以
有時可以連續贏幾場 (跟超厲害的男生),但又可以連球都打不到.... o.O
(有一次白球還連續被我打進洞裡三次....... *cough*)
preliminary rounds就被X掉嚕~~
(我打贏的人進了semi-quarter finals. 自我安慰一下...... >.<)
But I'm not too worried. I entered in the beginning to (altruistically) add to the winner's prize pool anyway Orz........
Pool to me is.... knocking a bunch of balls around on a table with a stick. Sometimes it goes in, sometimes it doesn't. And in my case, they usually quite like staying on the table XD
快點好吧..... >.< 都病了一個week了
Stumbled upon an article today on Get Frank (NZ men's online lifestyle mag) (hey who says girls can only read girl mags!).
It's like another smack on my head, literally. As if I didn't have enough of those already.....
I can't think too much. I know I do possess a really negative thought and reasoning process, which usually aren't that beneficial. Solution: study so much you don't have time to think about other stuff.
The title is "Perseverance: The characteristic that separates the successful from the mediocre" (written by George Ambler). How totally inspirational is that (and depressing too if you happen to be the type that doesn't really persevere, thus, you = mediocre).
Here's snippets:
"More and more I am realising the importance of perseverance to effective leadership. There are so many different obstacles and barriers to attaining our vision and purpose in the world today that without perseverance we will fail to make a meaningful difference in the world. Perseverance is what’s requires to face failure and then to get up again to fight another day."
"Psychologists say it’s not simply the fact that these people learned from mistakes that led to eventual success. It’s also the resilience they displayed in getting past those potholes. Failure can be "informative rather than demoralizing. It tells you what you may need to do to make it," says Albert Bandura, the Stanford psychology professor who in the 1970s pioneered the social cognitive theory of self-efficacy—an inner belief in one’s ability to succeed."
"As you’re faced with the weeks and months ahead make a decision to persevere, to never give up on your vision, to never settle for second best, make the decision to press forwards, to be determined to overcome and archive your purposes. Make a decision to believe in yourself, to believe that you can do what you set your mind to, that despite setback, you will get back up and continue. It’s not the fact that you fail, which makes you a failure. It’s when you stay down, it’s when you decide not to get up to try again…… that’s what makes you a failure!"
Perseverance.... I really should have that word permanently tattooed into my brain.
Bitten by flea at 8:03 PM 0 scratches
Tags: Daily rambles, Incoherence
Monday, July 21, 2008
Condensation of posts
又回到了Blogger.... 從MSN Space到Yahoo Blog... 又回到了MSN Space,後來又去自己開了個Wordpress blog..... 後來我用的free host當了好幾天,讓我對他的confidence drop的很快. 現在..... 又回到了Blogger囉....
/感覺我的blogging experience有點reflect我的personality.
這個新layout有點"clash"的感覺 (Nodame Cantabile/Japanese dramas and Russian supermodel 好像有那麼一點不太match....^^").
我喜歡交響情人夢,and I like Natalia. Clashing is totally the new black.
(Note: Natalia = Natalia Vodianova. For some reason, her appearance just appeals to me // plus she seems pretty down-to-earth, low-keyed, and you don't see her flashing her panties or of her intoxicated trashy photos plastered over the tabloids).
今天的Brain & Behaviour mini-test....
明明可以10/10.... 錯了一題. 算了,,,下次更加油!!!
Bicultural Perspectives is actually more interesting than I anticipated.
讓我有對了別的culture增加了更多的respect, especially for the indigenous Maori of New Zealand.
蔡旻佑 (Evan Yo) & 新垣結衣 出了新的album + singles!!
還沒聽 但一定不會disappointed的 : )
Wilbur Pan also has a new album out, a compilation of his most famous songs + remixes + new singles. 聽不膩他的ABC accent,呵呵~
Ok... off to bed I go.
Tomorrow, studystudy!!
Bitten by flea at 10:44 PM 0 scratches
Tags: Celebs, Daily rambles, Study-related